Sabel, Charles

Charles Sabel es Ph.D. in Government, Harvard University, 1978, A.B. in Social Studies, summa cum laude, Harvard College, 1969. Es Profesor de “Law and Social Science” (Columbia Law School). Ha sido profesor de “Social Science” en el Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Entre sus publicaciones se encuentran: A Constitution of Democratic Experimentalism (con Michael C. Dorf, Columbia University Press, March 1998), Worlds of Possibility (ed. con Jonathan Zeitlin, 1997, Cambridge University Press), Ireland: Local Partnerships and Social Innovation (con LEED Programme of the OECD, 1996), The Second Industrial Divide: Possibilities for Prosperity (with Michael Piore, 1984, Basics Books), Work and Politics: The Division of Labor in Industry (1982, Cambridge University Press), y numerosos artículos sobre economía y organización social.