FLACSO en el Congreso Internacional de Autismo. IMFAR 2017

El Congreso se llevó a cabo en San Francisco del 10 al 13 de mayo, y contó con la participación de FLACSO Argentina, a través del Diploma Superior en Prácticas Inclusivas en Trastornos del Espectro Autista.

Daniel Valdez y Karina Solcoff presentaron distintos trabajos sobre el área junto con colegas de REAL (Red Espectro Autista Latinoamérica) formada por investigadores de Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Uruguay, Perú, Panamá, Venezuela y República Dominicana, y REDEA (Red Espectro Autista de Argentina) y con ONG y Asociaciones de Padres de personas con autismo.

Se presentarán los siguientes trabajos:

  1. Needs, quality of life and stigma of families of persons with ASD in Peru. Implementation of the Latin American Autism spectrum network caregiver needs survey.
  2. Profile and impact of participating in a parent support group in Latin America
  3. Profile of access and satisfaction with health and educational services for people with Autism spectrum disorders in Latin America
  4. Caregivers needs of persons with Autism spectrum disorders in Latin America: results from Chile
  5. Age of first concerns and age of ASD diagnosis in a sample of Latin American children
  6. Inclusive education of students with ASD in the province of Misiones, Argentina. Support devices, needs and views of people with asd, their families and teachers.
  7. Transition and adulthood Autism spectrum disorders survey in Argentina.