FLACSO en el Congreso Internacional de Autismo. IMFAR 2017
El Congreso se llevó a cabo en San Francisco del 10 al 13 de mayo, y contó con la participación de FLACSO Argentina, a través del Diploma Superior en Prácticas Inclusivas en Trastornos del Espectro Autista.
Daniel Valdez y Karina Solcoff presentaron distintos trabajos sobre el área junto con colegas de REAL (Red Espectro Autista Latinoamérica) formada por investigadores de Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Uruguay, Perú, Panamá, Venezuela y República Dominicana, y REDEA (Red Espectro Autista de Argentina) y con ONG y Asociaciones de Padres de personas con autismo.
Se presentarán los siguientes trabajos:
- Needs, quality of life and stigma of families of persons with ASD in Peru. Implementation of the Latin American Autism spectrum network caregiver needs survey.
- Profile and impact of participating in a parent support group in Latin America
- Profile of access and satisfaction with health and educational services for people with Autism spectrum disorders in Latin America
- Caregivers needs of persons with Autism spectrum disorders in Latin America: results from Chile
- Age of first concerns and age of ASD diagnosis in a sample of Latin American children
- Inclusive education of students with ASD in the province of Misiones, Argentina. Support devices, needs and views of people with asd, their families and teachers.
- Transition and adulthood Autism spectrum disorders survey in Argentina.