Global Studies Programme

International Master's Degree (M.A in Social Sciences) in association with Freiburg University (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) and Humboldt University of Berlin.
Modality: in person.

Deep changes in global systems and in societies around the world are posing formidable challenges to different fields of social science and their research agendas. The analysis in many dimensions of the dynamics, structure and agency in global processes and their effects are beginning to cut across the academic work and public debates.

With an over two-decades-long trajectory, the Global Studies Programme (GSP) is a pioneering interdisciplinary studies program in the social sciences aimed at instilling key questions and addressing them analytically through the appropriate conceptual, theoretical, and methodological tools and skills. Beyond the attempt to figuring out the positive and negative effects of globalization as if it were an autonomous and natural force, the Global Studies Program is aimed at analyzing the current global scenario and develop the necessary skills to intervene effectively, be it in the role of academics and researchers, policy makers in public or private management, as articulators from civil society’s demands, or as communicators.

By completing the program in four locations (first and fourth semester at the University of Freiburg or Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany; second semester at the University of Cape Town or Pretoria, South Africa or FLACSO-Argentina and the third semester at the Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi, India, or Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand); students are offered courses based on state-of-the-art research from a pluralistic perspective, as developed in different continents, providing an interdisciplinary pathway for their subsequent academic career in the social sciences (PhD), applied scientific research or professional practice in organizations located at the interface between the local and the global.

Graduates from the Global Studies Program have mostly pursued careers in three main areas: academia, international organizations, and development cooperation. Other graduates work in journalism, non-governmental organizations, public policy or as consultants for national and international organizations.

To facilitate the students the necessary work experience for later insertion in the job market, the program includes an international internship of at least 10 weeks, as a mandatory component of their curriculum. For many students, this experience is the gateway to professional life. Students at FLACSO are offered the opportunity of applying for internship with allied organizations in Argentina and the wider Latin-American region. In addition, the Global Studies Program graduate network is a crucial source to access information and internship opportunities with a global outreach.

After completing the master’s thesis writing and defense process, students can opt for a joint degree awarded by the University of Freiburg and FLACSO-Argentina.

FLACSO-Argentina officially became a host for the Master’s program in 2008. Since then, numerous guest lecturers have passed through its classrooms. Among them, notable figures include Bröckling, Ulrich (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany); Kozlarek, Oliver (Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia, Mexico); Rüland, Jürgen (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany); Venkatesh, Sujatha (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India); Reátegui Carrillo, Félix (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, Peru); Rehbein, Boike (Humboldt Universität, Berlin, Germany); Nederveen Pieterse, Jan (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA); Burity, Joanildo A. (Fundação Joaquim Nabuco, Recife, Brazil); and Stefoni, Carolina (Universidad Alberto-Hurtado, Chile).

Language: All courses are taught in English.